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Let's find out more about you so we can design a plan for you. Your information will not be shared.

Please enter your first name here.
Please enter your last name here
Please enter your email address here:
How much indoor cycling do you do weekly?
I've never ridden before
I'm a beginner
I ride 2-3 times per week
I ride 4 or more times per week
Please detail here any medical conditions you have that may affect your ride (especially consider any condition which may be aggravated by exercise, or any condition which is cardiovascular, respiratory, joint, or if you have diabetes or epilepsy).
What medication are you currently taking? (This is because some medications may require adaptations to your workout.)
What would you like to achieve? (tick all that apply)
Check all that apply
Weight loss/fat loss
Improve health (including risk reduction for diabetes and cardiovascular disease)
Improve athletic performance/train for an event

Please enter here any goals you currently have (omit this if you're not sure!)

e.g - number of kilos you'd like to lose - you can be as specific as you like.

Do you have a time by which you'd like to achieve your goal? If yes, please state, or omit if not applicable.
How motivated and ready do you feel to get started and achieve results? Please enter a number between 1-10; 1 being not at all ready, and 10 being ready to start right now.
To get results faster, more sessions per week may be required. How many sessions per week do you think you could make time for?
3 or more
Is there anything else you think we should know or that would be helpful?